With barely a pop, another travel blog leaps into existence! Will it make an impression? Will it stand out? Will the chap involved manage a moderate rate of updates and anecdotes? Let’s give him the benefit of the doubt.
It’s safe to say that, if you’re reading this, you’re mildly curious about what SomeElseWhere is, who I am, and what makes this blog different from any number of others. While I certainly believe that it deserves your time, a comfy place in your feeds, and gossip amongst your friends, the final judgement is up to you, the reader.
Regardless, I’m going to continue writing.
I’ll start by answering the questions posed above… in reverse order.
What makes this travel blog different from so many others? While I’m very excited to write about new places and experiences, perhaps even share some advice and product reviews, I also want to chronicle a massive life change. Not content to simply travel, I uprooted my entire life, stuffed a few choice items into 2 suitcases, and relocated to a new base of operations on an entirely different continent. I like to think of it as the modern equivalent of landing on distant shores with little more than a fiver in your pocket and a dream … which isn’t entirely inaccurate.
So who am I?
I’m a digital artist who used to live in Toronto, Canada. In those 30+ years, I’d hardly travelled beyond my own homeland, despite an, at times, all-consuming wanderlust.
I did live vicariously through a good friend of mine. He travelled to the UK, worked across the South-West, backpacked throughout Europe, trekked the wilds of Canada, and even taught and lived in Japan. His stories were envy-inducing. We eventually managed a fantastic road trip together, which really lit the fuse for later travels.
More than anything, I wanted to take off, live elsewhere, see the world. Turns out that all it took to make things happen would be a timely conversation with a couple of adventurous friends. Following 9 months of frantic planning, paperwork, and cramming my worldly goods into a hole in the ground, I stepped from an airport terminal 5,700 kms away from home. No return ticket. No home to return to. Barely enough cash to let me change my mind.
Now I’m living in a place that my ancestors were all-too-ready to run away from, and chomping at the bit to see some of the old world I’ve found myself in.
This blog is going to be a chronicle of all of it… travels, things learned, mistakes, perhaps even some product reviews. At the same time, I’m going to capture the experience of starting over someplace entirely new. I have no idea where I’ll ultimately end up, how long I’ll be there, or what I’ll do in the interim, but I’m certainly not going to walk away with any regrets.